The Zombie Virus is spreading uncontrollably. The
majority of the population is infected with the airborn
Zombie Virus. Cities and towns have been transformed into warzones. Very few people survived the outbreak.
You might be thinking is this really possible?
Yes. It is possible to genetically engineer a Zombie Virus. Nature would have a very slim chance of ever producing a virus that would have all of the needed characteristics of a Zombie Virus.

In order to make someone become a zombie in the first place the virus would have to destroy all of the brain except for the amygdala, which is responsible for the flight or fight instinct and the medulla oblongata which is responsible for processing neurological signals from the brain and spinal cord (basic movements such as walking and grabbing). The virus would have to rip the brain down to its most basic components known as ataxic neurodegenerative satiety deficiency syndrome, or ANSD.
After creating a virus capable of destroying all parts of the brain necessary for reasoning and awareness then you would next determine its method of transmission. The Zombie Virus would have to be airborn to cause crisis. Airborn viruses can be transmitted by simply breathing. The SARS virus which spread to hundreds within hours is a modern example of an airborn virus.
After these requirements have been met the virus would be ready for distribution. The only way a zombie virus would spread without containment is through some means of mass infection. The evil organization who created the virus and wanted to wreak havoc on humanity would likely contaminate the water supply of several metropolitan areas to infect millions.

To date there has been no discovery of an airborn virus that causes ANSD. But that is all it would take to create your stereotypical zombie. Now only one question remains. What organization would pay to invent and distribute such a virus?
majority of the population is infected with the airborn
Zombie Virus. Cities and towns have been transformed into warzones. Very few people survived the outbreak.
You might be thinking is this really possible?
Yes. It is possible to genetically engineer a Zombie Virus. Nature would have a very slim chance of ever producing a virus that would have all of the needed characteristics of a Zombie Virus.
In order to make someone become a zombie in the first place the virus would have to destroy all of the brain except for the amygdala, which is responsible for the flight or fight instinct and the medulla oblongata which is responsible for processing neurological signals from the brain and spinal cord (basic movements such as walking and grabbing). The virus would have to rip the brain down to its most basic components known as ataxic neurodegenerative satiety deficiency syndrome, or ANSD.
After creating a virus capable of destroying all parts of the brain necessary for reasoning and awareness then you would next determine its method of transmission. The Zombie Virus would have to be airborn to cause crisis. Airborn viruses can be transmitted by simply breathing. The SARS virus which spread to hundreds within hours is a modern example of an airborn virus.
To date there has been no discovery of an airborn virus that causes ANSD. But that is all it would take to create your stereotypical zombie. Now only one question remains. What organization would pay to invent and distribute such a virus?